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Show Notes:
One of the biggest issues of BrewPi Remix is that people Google BrewPi and they get directed to old forum posts. When you look at old posts like this you will find outdated instructions. With BrewPi Remix you can install the software with a single one-line command.
The Brew Pi is an amazing piece of software and hardware and has been around for a very long time. Today we are going to talk about the Brew PI Remix and how you can build a controller easier than ever keeping your fermentation dialed to a tenth of a degree. Le Bussy the creator of Brew Pi Remix talks to us today on Homebrewing DIY.
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Have you ever heard of a project called “BrewPi Remix” before today?
— Homebrewing DIY (@HomebrewingDiy) September 26, 2019
Here is a list of resources to help on your BrewPi Remix journey:
If you want more information about building your own BrewPi Remix set up head over to Lee’s website at http://brewpiremix.com
You can find a list of needed parts here: https://www.brewpiremix.com/brewpi/
Here is the full BrewPi Remix documentation: http://docs.brewpiremix.com
Here is an example of what your setup could look like: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3416312
Last here is Lee’s Skeeter Pee recipe:
Recipe Details
Batch Size |
Boil Time |
Est. OG |
Est. FG |
5.5 gal |
0 min |
0.0 IBUs |
1.6 SRM |
1.070 |
1.006 |
8.5 % |
Style Details
Name |
Cat. |
OG Range |
FG Range |
Carb |
W10 D |
1.07 - 1.11 |
0.992 - 0.998 |
0 - 0 |
2 - 10 |
0 - 1 |
9.8 - 14.2 % |
Name |
Amount |
% |
Sugar, Table (Sucrose) |
8.25 lbs |
47.88 |
Juice - Lemon |
4.213 lbs |
24.45 |
Juice - Lemon |
2.106 lbs |
12.23 |
Sugar, Table (Sucrose) |
2.66 lbs |
15.44 |
Name |
Amount |
min |
Type |
Tannin |
0.75 tsp |
0 min |
Boil |
Flavor |
Yeast Nutrient |
3.00 tsp |
0 min |
Primary |
Other |
Yeast Energizer |
1.00 tsp |
0 min |
Primary |
Other |
Yeast Energizer |
3.00 tsp |
5 days |
Primary |
Other |
Yeast Nutrient |
1.00 tsp |
5 days |
Primary |
Other |
Sparkolloid |
6.25 g |
0 min |
Secondary |
Fining |
Potassium Sorbate |
8.20 g |
0 min |
Secondary |
Other |
Potassium Metabisulfite |
3.20 g |
0 min |
Secondary |
Other |
Name |
Lab |
Attenuation |
Temperature |
Lalvin 71B-1122 (71B-1122) |
Lallemand - Lalvin |
75% |
59°F - 86°F |
Step |
Temperature |
Time |
Mash In |
150°F |
75 min |
Step |
Time |
Temperature |
Primary |
7 days |
67°F |
Secondary |
10 days |
67°F |
Aging |
20 days |
65°F |
Adapted from: https://www.skeeterpee.com Make invert sugar by adding the 8.25 lbs sugar to a large stainless cooking pot with 8 cups water, 1/3 cup lemon juice, and the tanin. Stir sugar to dissolve and heat to just below boiling while stirring. Hold at this temperature for about 30 minutes. Allow to cool slightly and pour it into the primary along with 2 of the bottles of the lemon juice, and enough additional water to make 5 1/2 gallons. Aerate with filtered air through a diffuser stone for 24 hours to strip out the sulfites from the juice. After 24 hours, re-hydrate 3 packets of Lalvin 71B yeast: Mix 18.75 grams of GoFerm with 375ml 110°F water. Let the mixture cool to 104°F and add the dried yeast. Let stand for 20 minutes. Slowly (over 5 minutes) add 375ml of must (juice) to be fermented to the yeast slurry. When there is no more than 10°C(18°F) difference between the must (juice) and the yeast slurry, pitch. Aerate for 12 additional hours after pitching. After 12 hours, remove the air and add 2.49 grams of FermAidK dissolved in room-temperature water. Periodically check the gravity. When it gets down to around 1.050, add a second dose of 2.49 grams of FermAidK dissolved in room-temperature water, and the last bottle of lemon juice; vigorously mix it in. Don’t be afraid to introduce some oxygen to the mix at the same time. This late addition of yeast food and oxygen helps reduce the likelihood of the batch developing a sulfur-dioxide problem. When fermentation has completed and dropped mostly clear, rack into a clean, sanitized carboy. Prepare Sparkalloid: Mix 6.25g of Sparkolloid in 150 ml (5 fluid ounce) of water. Heat to boiling in a double boiler and simmer for half an hour. Prevent scorching by frequent stirring. Replace any liquid which is lost by evaporation with additional water. Stir the wine and slowly add the hot Sparkolloid while still stirring. Add the 3.2g Potassium metabisulfite and 8.2g Potassium sorbate dissolved in a minimal amount of water. Do not dissolve in the hot water with the Sparkalloid or else the Potassium metabisulfite will gas off. Re-attach airlock and let sit approximately one week to drop clear. Optionally, re-fine with Bentonite after dropping clear to compact the Sparkalloid which is otherwise easily disturbed. Prepare Bentonite: In a clean preparation container make a thin slurry using 20 ml of water per gram of bentonite needed. Vigorous mixing may get the bentonite fully hydrated in about 10 minutes. Either hot or cold water can be used but hot water should make hydration faster & easier. Make sure all particles are wetted (no lumps). Add to the wine and stir. Settling will normally take about a week, after which time wine can be racked off the sediment. Rack into a clean, sanitized keg, add 6 cups sugar and stir to dissolve. Carbonate under pressure. 15 PSI @ 35°F is approximately 3 volumes and perfect for this beverage. |
Download this recipe's BeerXML file |
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Intro Music: SUNBIRDS by BOCrew (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/BOCrew/38854 Ft: THEDEEPR / THECORNER / feat : FORENSIC
Not enough Horsefeathers by Fireproof_Babies (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/Fireproof_Babies/13115 Ft: duckett, kulimu
Paper Planes – Durden ft. Airtone by DURDEN (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/DURDEN/55041 Ft: Airtone